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Vlarg (Barry Robb) gets his name from the Ferengi character he played at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas from 1997 to 2003.  He was a regular on the Ugly Couch Show and the first few years of GeekShock before he moved to Texas to smoke brisket and be miserable.  Well now he’s back in Vegas and back on the show to deliver his unique brand of vitriol and spite.

Vlarg has an extensive honorific, with many names and titles, but generally goes by Barry.  He’s been playing D&D for over 30 years, and started a DM for Hire business in Houston.  He left it in good hands and is starting again in Las Vegas.  He runs an eCommerce marketing company to afford to buy meat and peaty whisky.  He has a set of stormtrooper armor that he dons on occasion. He will one day have his revenge on Torgo, whom he despises with the fury of a thousand storms.

Second Favorite Movie:  The Three Amigos
Favorite Author:  John Scalzi
Best Game Ever: Dungeons & Dragons
Food I Won’t Eat: Beets
Best Toy I Own: 1983 Coin-Op Star Wars Video Game
Beloved Childhood Vacation Spot: Seaside Heights, NJ
Least Favorite Person on GeekShock: Torgo
Favorite Candy Bar: Three Musketeers
How Do You Order Your Steak: Medium Rare
Worst Cereal: Shredded Wheat
My Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Most Disliked Celebrity: Jack Black
Best Marvel Movie: Thor Ragnarok
Favorite Abyssal Sea Creature: Goblin Shark
Best Halloween costume I’ve worn: Lo Pan
Password to my bank account: 80sJ3ff5uck5!
Describe My Pajamas: Purple with Zelda stuff on them
The World Will End With: Zombie Clowns
Potatoes: Yes