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Master Torgo

Master Torgo

Master Torgo (Todd Bristow) gets his name by combining the power of the two villains from the movie, Manos: Hands of fate. He has a degree in theater which he uses to mentally torture Vlarg by singing show tunes. He loves board games, horror movies, and niche nerdity. A jack of all geeks, but master of none. Except for painting miniatures. He’s pretty good at that. He played the role of Vulcan Starfleet Commander Styrbek at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas. Now, he herds the cats he calls his co-hosts on Geek Shock. He pays the bills as a multi-certified Mixologist. He mostly uses his bartending skills to make his fellow board game players drunk to get the upper hand. Looks for the joy and absurdity in life which makes him the natural enemy of Vlarg, who is a complete tool.

Second Favorite Movie: The Goonies
Favorite Author: Brian Keene
Best Board Game Ever This Week: Gloomhaven
Food I Won’t Eat: Beets
Best Toy I Own: Vlarg
Beloved Childhood Vacation Spot: Gatlinburg, TN
Least Favorite Person on Geek Shock: Vlarg
Favorite Candy Bar: Fudge Twix (the original, not this new flavor abomination)
How do you order your steak: Medium
Worst Cereal: Cracklin Oat Bran
Most Disliked Celebrity: Most Kardashians
Favorite Abyssal Sea Creature: Reaper Leviathan
Best Halloween Costume I’ve Worn: Darkness from Legend
Password To My Bank Account: ##VlargLovesHashtags##
Describe My Pajamas: Nudity
The World Will End With: Stupid Anti-Science People
Potatoes: Usually