GeekShock #750 – Biggs vs The Star Trek Gummy
Five years of planning led Biggs up to this moment until… the Gummy. We also talk about Barry’s Steamer: Stray Gods: The Role-Playing Musical, Trek Conventions, Caped Crusader, U.F.O., Borg […]
GeekShock #778 – Rage Quitting Pong mastertorgo
GeekShock #777 – Hork Malort mastertorgo
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
GeekShock #751 – GeekShock Conspiracy/Boardgame mastertorgo
Disney announced a HUGE number of additions to their parks. WE talk about them as well as Umbrella Academy, Theater of Blood, Bordello of Blood, Lawrence of Arabia, the Call of Cthulhu RPG, the GeekShock Boardgame, Ghost Eaters, Nevernight, 100 Yokai, Johnny Quest, Barbarian movies, the Chuck E. Cheese subscription service, poisoning at a chess tournament, and Red Light/Green Light featuring: High on Life, Hostel, Wings of Fire, and Golden Axe. SO don’t pass Go, it’s time for a GeekShock!
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Tagged as: call of Cthulhu rpg, ghost eaters, nevernight, 100 yokai, johnny quest, High on Life, barbarian movies, Disneyland, disney world, Umbrella Academy, chuck e cheese subscription, THeater of Blood, wings of fire, bordello of blood, golden axe, lawrence of arabia.
Five years of planning led Biggs up to this moment until… the Gummy. We also talk about Barry’s Steamer: Stray Gods: The Role-Playing Musical, Trek Conventions, Caped Crusader, U.F.O., Borg […]
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