GeekShock #745 – Low Grade Disappointments
Welcome to the cool kids table. We talk about how Monopoly sucks, Steve’s ongoing low-grade disappointments, Cinnabon, even more Planet of the Apes, acting through masks, Guardians of the Galaxy […]
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
GeekShock #774 – Buttfloss Bikini mastertorgo
GeekShock #773 – Debbie Does Viking War Eagles mastertorgo
GeekShock #746 – Bric-a-brackish mastertorgo
This week we discover the offical-ish Geek Shock future Christmas drank. We also talk about Raft, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Trek: The Motionless Picture, Pinball: The Graphic History of the Silver Ball, Boulder City Ghost Walk, Nevada Smith, Brotato, Minecraft, Critical Match, PS5 Trophies, Skydance buys Paramount, Game Pass increases, A Fistful of Dollars, DC’s Lanterns, Jim Henson Company to sell their studio lot, Raimi’s next horror movie, the end of two Star Wars comics, and the Tipsy Challenge. So, build that Devil’s Tower, it’s time for a GeekShock!
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Tagged as: sam raimi, star trek the motion picture, cinnamon whisky, pinball the graphic history of the silver ball, boulder city ghost tour, nevada smith, critical match, Jim Henson, ps5 trophies, Minecraft, skydance buys paramount, Star Wars, game pass, Brotato, fistful of dollars, raft, Lanterns, Close encounters of the third kind.
Welcome to the cool kids table. We talk about how Monopoly sucks, Steve’s ongoing low-grade disappointments, Cinnabon, even more Planet of the Apes, acting through masks, Guardians of the Galaxy […]
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