GeekShock #715 – Andy, You Idiot!
The candy cigarette wars raise in stakes this week as we talk about Cookie Wars, Omega Mart, Marvels, Flamecraft, Doctor Who, Everdell, Deathrace 2000, Little Shop of Magic, Dave the […]
GeekShock #778 – Rage Quitting Pong mastertorgo
GeekShock #777 – Hork Malort mastertorgo
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
GeekShock #716 – Big China Flavor! mastertorgo
This week, Vlarg is on the receiving end of Torgo’s Temu shopping spree. We also talk about GeekDecay, Hawthorne and Horowitz, You Are All Terrible, Doctor Who, Clockwork Torgo: Planes Trains and Automobiles, Godzilla Minus 1, Stir Crazy, The Running Man, Iger wants more executive interference, Sony removes purchased content again, Sebastian Stan IS Donald Trump, the remake of the remake of The Longest Yard, Guardians of the Galaxy is the on $200 min movie to turn a profit, The Long Walk, the return of Spinal Tap, and What’s Going In My Mouth. So, get ready for the ultimate haul, it’s time for a GeekShock!
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The candy cigarette wars raise in stakes this week as we talk about Cookie Wars, Omega Mart, Marvels, Flamecraft, Doctor Who, Everdell, Deathrace 2000, Little Shop of Magic, Dave the […]
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