GeekShock #696 – Adventures in Adjacency
It’s a glorious Torgo-less episode as Quark’s Most Famous Bartender joins the crew as we talk about 80s Jeff’s and Darren’s big geeky trip to Los Angeles, John Williams at […]
GeekShock #778 – Rage Quitting Pong mastertorgo
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mastertorgo July 28, 2023 3314 101 3
GeekShock #697 – Furries and Bronies and Torgo (Oh My!) mastertorgo
Torgo returns to reign in the chaos with mixed results as we talk about Class of ’09, American Born Chinese, The Flash, They Cloned Tyrone, Neon Abyss, Joel McGee Disney Auction, Disney Parks, Oppenheimer, Evil Dead Rise, Jung_E, Tulsa King, Con Man, Sierra Online games, Baman Forever, TMNT Xbox Controller, and A.I. Issues. Put your hand inside the Barry head, it’s time for a GeekShock!
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Tagged as: ai, american born chinese, midjourney, disney, the flash, chatgpt, tmnt, they cloned tyrone, openai, neon abyss, oppenheimer, evil dead rise, jung_e, xbox, tulsa king, AI Art, sierra online, Con Man, batman forever, geekshock.
It’s a glorious Torgo-less episode as Quark’s Most Famous Bartender joins the crew as we talk about 80s Jeff’s and Darren’s big geeky trip to Los Angeles, John Williams at […]
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