GeekShock #683 – Super GeekShock Brothers
A plague has befallen the cast, but two soldiers carry on the fight. 80’s Jeff and Kommander K climb the pile of skulls to talk about Star Wars Celebration: London, […]
GeekShock #778 – Rage Quitting Pong mastertorgo
GeekShock #777 – Hork Malort mastertorgo
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
GeekShock #684 – Of Nostalgia and Reach Arounds mastertorgo
This week contains life lessons, nostalgia, and pontification as we talk about Picard, Breaking Bad, McDonald’s Burgers, Sons of Anarchy, Pale Rider, Tales from the Magician’s Skull, American McGee, Fame: The Musical, Twilight reborn, Baywatch reborn, more Walking Dead, Harry Potter goes tv, Star Trek: Section 31, Amazon mines MGM, Starfleet Academy, Street Fighter, and the Galaxy Quest TV show tries again. So… flush, it’s time for a Geek Shock.
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A plague has befallen the cast, but two soldiers carry on the fight. 80’s Jeff and Kommander K climb the pile of skulls to talk about Star Wars Celebration: London, […]
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