GeekShock #674 – Fair and Balanced Vlarg
When news hits, we hit back as we talk about the new DC movie slate, Powergrid, Hogwarts Legacy, That 90’s Show, Sitcoms, The Animals in that Country, Oliver Stone’s Conan […]
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
GeekShock #774 – Buttfloss Bikini mastertorgo
GeekShock #773 – Debbie Does Viking War Eagles mastertorgo
GeekShock #675 – Hotdog Mohel mastertorgo
The battle of the century begins here as Deb’s choice of hot dog toppings nearly crashes the show. We also talk about Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Hunters, It Man, Warrior Nun, Robocop, Clockwork Torgo: Escape from New York, Eternals, Shang Chi, Serpico, Vox Machina, New Edge Sword and Sorcery Magazine, Star Wars, Grammy for best Video Game Score, Netflix v. Arrested Development, Super Mario viral marketing, and Marvel slows their roll. So, grab your ketchup, it’s time for a GeekShock!
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When news hits, we hit back as we talk about the new DC movie slate, Powergrid, Hogwarts Legacy, That 90’s Show, Sitcoms, The Animals in that Country, Oliver Stone’s Conan […]
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