Geek Shock #597 – Fisto’s Comin’
Just Michael and Mrs. Maple join us as we talk about Deb-Con (Vlarg-Con), Masters of the Universe, Board Games, Gunpowder Milkshake, Mini-Painting Woes, Beyond Yacht Rock, Blizzard shows their ugly […]
GeekShock #778 – Rage Quitting Pong mastertorgo
GeekShock #777 – Hork Malort mastertorgo
GeekShock #776 – Banned From Twitch mastertorgo
GeekShock #775 – Siri-ously mastertorgo
vlarg August 6, 2021 588 100 2
Vlarg joins us with some news (Sorry, Torgo). We also talk about Jungle Cruise, Transformers: Was For Cybertron, Six Flags, Autopia, Snake Eyes, Crazy Samurai Musashi: 400 vs 1, Cherry 2000, Johansen v Disney, the next TMNT, Bees, Ariana Grande goes Fortnite, Gordon is Alive, Son of a Dungeon, and Red Light/Green Light featuring: The Rules, Waterworld, Valdemar, and One Word Kill. So pack your bags, it’s time for a Geek Shock!
Tagged as: six flags, vlarg, cherry 2000, jungle cruise, transformers, gijoe, musashi, scarjo, disney, tmnt.
Just Michael and Mrs. Maple join us as we talk about Deb-Con (Vlarg-Con), Masters of the Universe, Board Games, Gunpowder Milkshake, Mini-Painting Woes, Beyond Yacht Rock, Blizzard shows their ugly […]
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